How can machine translation help with better efficiency in gaming translation? 

The translation of the gaming content is crucial to make it more accessible and available in every possible region to cater to the needs of potential players. The gaming industry has become a billion-dollar business now and coping with the demands of this business the companies have to ensure that they seek translation services to increase the downloads and generate more revenue. Despite a fast-paced globalization practice, many companies and businesses still need to opt for professional translation services specifically for the games. Many others have not realized the significance yet. Also, a few others have this approach of machine translation being sufficient for the whole process.

Machine translation tools, though cannot be relied on completely for the game translation services. But these tools are of great use in the long run. Moreover, machine tools have also become advanced and have come a long way. These are more efficient and can help to produce quality translation as compared to its initial days when it used to deliver rather blunders. However, a smart use of machine translation tools is a must to get the desired results. The businesses, game developers, and translation companies should sit together to work on the strategies that can work best for their game translation. It not only helps with time but can also be cost-effective. 

Here are a few factors that indicate how machine translation can streamline game translation and boost the efficiency and productivity of the games. 

Speed and volume handling

The following way machine translation can help with better speed and volume handling.

Instant pre-translation

The machine translation tools are of great value in that they can provide the initial drafts and huge volumes of text translation. This can also do well with the game scripts and in-game text as well as UI elements. This also saves the human translators a great amount of time. However, they have to edit and refine the content but at least they don’t have to do it from scratch.

Dealing with repetitive content

Machine translation is quite good at taking care of repetitive content. The content that the human eye can often miss gets caught by these tools. It can assist in handling similar phrases and repeated text elements that can appear in the item descriptions, help menus, and other in-text features. This also assists with streamlining the workflow for translators.

Resource optimization

Balanced resource optimization is crucial for making the most of the machine tools.

Glossary and translation memory integration

The glossary and translation memory integration is the biggest and one of the most useful inventions that they have made in machine translation tools. These systems can be integrated with a glossary list that contains the most repeated terms and phrases. All these pre-approved terms and translations get applied naturally. These play a crucial role in bringing accuracy and consistency to the game text and game translation are convenient for businesses and translators.


The game translation also gets better with the use of machine translation wisely. It helps with the prioritization of translation tasks. Machine tools can handle all these simple and straightforward text strings and segments. The human translators can get the edge with a great focus on the story elements, culturally sensitive content, and other creative aspects of the game translation.

Adaptable systems

Opting for machine tools can come with certain challenges and proficiencies. The experts always advise the smart use of these tools.

Specialized MT engines

The MT providers are now working on translation management platforms and cloud systems. They are getting specific engines ready that can be fed game-related terminology, sentence structures, and content relevant to games and their themes. This has become a great discovery and work. Such TMSs are helping to boost the productivity of the gaming translation, making it more relevant to the gaming domain. Also, a professional translation agency with competent translators is a must to look out for the translation post usage of machine tools.

Neural machine translation (NMT)

Another adaptable system is neural machine translation. The NMT systems are more accurate as compared to the simple MT approaches. These often provide natural and fluent translations and have also started to get the context. The game translation is a creative process and the NMT is better at getting creativity, so to translate the in-game dialogues and text NMT can be a good choice.

It’s not a replacement 

Though the use and benefits of machine translation cannot be ignored, it is important to note that MT can be used as a tool and to partner with a human brain. However, the important factor to be mindful of is not to consider a whole solution and replacement. That too is somewhat technical and challenging for the translation of the games and content. So using the machine translation with the human brain can bring the best of the gaming content translation. 


Gaming translation is a complex and challenging job. However, using machine tools with human expertise can do wonders. Using machine translation smartly not only helps with better efficiency and speed but also enables better source optimization. However, using the right machine tools for the relevant text is vital to yield positive results.

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